Commitment: The One Key Intangible For Achieving Success
Commitment is the one key element that causes most dreams to fall short
Too many times we toss words of performance around like pillows in a pillow fight. Success…triumph…concentration…victory…courage…and belief are said without deep thought and consideration. Saving money…losing weight…controlling your temper…quitting nicotine or caffeine…changing careers…climbing the corporate ladder or chasing a world title, all are worthy quests. We’re fast and furious at the start but half-hearted when things get rough. Eventually we fade and stop short of the goal line. We’ve all been there in some challenge.
We’re serious in the endeavor at hand but not emotionally serious to what we’ll truly sacrifice. What would you pay for your success? There’s always a tax and the greater the prize the higher the fee. The sacrifice of time, friends, family, money and even health is the currency needed to purchase the greatest achievements. Most of us fold when the success tax collector bangs on the door. There are many endeavors where the price is too steep.
Regardless of the level of achievement desired, the one word that is needed throughout the quest is commitment. Commitment is the main ingredient of self-discipline…the primary intangible for overcoming the perception of insurmountable obstacles.
The story of Florin and commitment
His name was Florin. He was from a small town in Romania about 100 kilometers from Bucharest. Now he drives a cab. He is committed. Emotionally he is bound to a higher purpose of being. He has been in America only three years but he gets it. Work hard. Save money. Dream big. Act in small steps. Chip away relentlessly. Every day.
Florin is committed.
“What will you pay for success in America?” I ask. “Everything,” he replied. “I left my wife and two children back in Romania. They patiently wait for my checks and the time when I can bring them here for good. I miss them.”
Working long hours for fares and tips that he turns over to a college administrator, Florin personifies commitment. A student by day and a taxi driver by night he is locked on a pathway to prosperity.
Were you poor in Romania? “What is poor? According to your U.S. standards…yes…I was poor. But we didn’t expect what you expect here. Food was for eliminating hunger, not lavish dining. Over-abundance was never expected.”
You speak English very well. Could you speak English when you arrived? “No. It was a big challenge but I had no choice if I wanted to work. It was difficult. I’m improving.”
Florin is committed.
Achieving greatness can only be measured by what you sacrifice. And sacrifice will not happen without commitment. It is that instance where you become emotionally obligated or impelled. It is a personal, binding agreement to do something in the future. It begins by committing the first step. And once that first step is taken…there is no stopping or retreat. None. You are emotionally tethered to your dream. This is commitment.
It is the mental image of success that wakes you up in the morning and tucks you in at night. You are committed to walking an illuminated pathway to get there…no matter what the circumstances or conditions. This is commitment.
Commitment in everyday life as a means to achieve your goals

Many of us get ambushed while pursuing our dreams. Mental, physical and emotional distractions lurk at every corner. Chaos can attack us with blinding speed. Like thieves in the night, they sneak up on our dreams and rob us of desire, passion and discipline.
But like a fortress protected with alarms and sentries, commitment rules. It fights the desire to party. It wrestles the want to relax and rest. It attacks complacency and laziness. And most of all, it abhors procrastination and swiftly eradicates its wanton ways.
Commitment is only a word. It can be easily tossed around. Embracing it will ignite your talent and fuel your long journey to success.
What will happen to Florin? Will his family make it to America? Will he graduate from college? Will he buy a home and live his dream? Bet the farm on his success.
Florin is committed.